About the Blog
Hi there! I'm Luke Evans, a 19 year-old biomedical sciences student at Cardiff University and a young ambassador for the UK eating disorder charity Beat!
Welcome to the hidey-hole where I post anything and everything that comes to mind, and hopefully where those with similar thoughts, feelings and interests can find comfort in the fact that they are not alone. Here, I explore mental health from the perspective of a recovered ED sufferer, and as a budding scientist with an interest in human health & disease - speaking from the heart and from the head!
Best wishes,
Luke :)
**Although I will avoid posting triggering images and will try to do the same with all my content, please do not read on if you feel like the content on this page will be potentially triggering!***
About Me
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
Wait, bugger, sorry, wrong introduction!